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It is released under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy. Wayfinder Bestiary is a 181-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. Kimball, Jason Kirckof, Adam Koča, Danny Hedager Krog, Alberto Ortiz Leon, Mike Lowe, Dave Mallon, Stephen McAndrews, Audrey Medley, Dionisis Milonas, Jesse Mohn, Alex Moore, Dustin Nelson, Kate Neve, Karla Yanin Salas Orozco, Brian Patterson, Beatrice Pelagatti, dodeqaa Polyhedra, Basil Arnould Price, Cody Ragsdale, Nick Russell, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Bill Simpson, Ashton Sperry, Matthew Stinson, Carlos Torreblanca, Todd Westcot, and Stephen Wood.įoreword: Tim Nightengale, Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief Interior Artists: Becky Barnes, Catherine Batka, Darran Caldemeyer, Paul Chapman, Tyler Clark, Jeremy Corff, Emilie Cormier, Liz Courts, Andrew DeFelice, William Dodds, Peter Fairfax, Lynnette Fetters, Crystal Frasier, Erin Frye, Silvia Gonzalez, Bob Greyvenstein, Michael Jaecks, James M. Michaels, Nicholas Milasich, Alex Moore, Eric Morton, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Dustin James Nelson, Fraser Nelund, Mark Nordheim, Tom Phillips, Alex Putnam, Danielle Putnam, Ed Ortiz, Jr., Linda Zayas-Palmer, Michael Phillips, Max Rich, Matt Rupprecht, Joseph Scott, Mark Seifter, David Schwartz, Justin Sluder, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Matthew Starch, Jeffrey Swank, Russ Taylor, Margherita Tramontano, Ian Turner, Ben Warren, Christopher Wasko, Brendan Ward, and Mike Welham. Ling, Jr., Rob Little, Christopher “Acre” Lockwood, Dave Mallon, Matthew Medeiros, Joe Medley, Jacob W. Goodenough, Frank Gori, Wojciech Gruchala, Jesper Haglund, Sam Harris, Nick Herold, Kiel Howell, Scott Janke, Jason Keeley, Joe Kondrak, Cole Kronewitter, Thomas LeBlanc, Jeff Lee, John Leising, John E. Created for Pathfinder fans by Pathfinder fans, the Wayfinder Bestiary is our first compilation product, combining the monsters from Wayfinder 1 through 15 in one tome! While some entries and art should be familiar to Wayfinder readers, many entries have been expanded, and some even have new art! Several years in the making, we hope you enjoy this completely FREE download!Ĭontributing Authors: Gabriel Almer, Becky Barnes, John Bennett, Joshua Blazej, Morgan Boehringer, Dylan Brooks, Russ Brown, Will Cooper, Ryan Costello, Jr., Sarah Counts, Paris Crenshaw, Ryan Crossman, Rich Crotty, Calder CaDavid, Craig Cartin, Chris Crowe, Matt Duval, Denis Faupel, Robert Feather, Benjamin Fields, Nick Floyd, Guy Fox, Crystal Frasier, Jason Garrett, Christoph Gimmler, Amy C.